When you register for a Pinnacle account, you will be asked to select your preferred currency. Please select carefully as it is not possible to change currency information once your account has been funded. You may fund your Pinnacle account using the following currencies:
Available currencies for deposits | |||
AUD | Australian Dollars | MXP | Mexican Peso |
CAD | Canadian Dollars | NOK | Norwegian Krone |
RMB | Chinese Yuan Renmimbi | NZD | New Zealand Dollars |
CZK | Czech Coruna | PLN | Polish Zloty |
DKK | Danish Kroner | RUB | Russian Rouble |
EUR | Euro | SGD | Singaporean Dollars |
GBP | British Pounds | SEK | Swedish Kronor |
HKD | Hong Kong Dollars | THB | Thai Bhat |
JPY | Japanese Yen | TWD | Taiwanese New Dollars |
KRW | Korean Won | USD | United States Dollars |
MYR | Malaysian Ringgit | COP | Colombian Peso |
BRL | Brazilian Real |