By allowing you to authenticate your transaction directly with your card issuer Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode give you the reassurance that only you can use your card for payments online.
You may enrol for Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode in two ways:
- Via your card issuer’s website. Use these links to see if your card issuer has enrolled in the scheme:
- Verified by Visa -
- MasterCard SecureCode - - While on the website
Your card issuer may allow you to enrol while on our website. When making a deposit you may be presented with a screen offering you the opportunity to enrol in either the Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode schemes. If you choose to enrol while on our website, you will provide information to your card issuer via a secure server to confirm your identity and then create your Verified by Visa password or MasterCard SecureCode.
Once you have enrolled, all future deposits you make via our website will require you to enter your Verified by Visa password or MasterCard SecureCode, therefore protecting your card payment.